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American Standard Time and Columbia City Theater are proud to present a night of history and song, celebrating hometown hero and historian Harry Smith and his celebrated Anthology of American Folk Music. While some of Seattle’s most notable musicians will be a part of the evening, the show’s true headliner is Harry Smith and the Anthology of American Folk Music itself, as it is indisputably the most influential mix-tape ever made.
Inspired by Harry Smith’s pivotal release and Greg Vandy’s annual tribute show to the album, we’ve put together a night of celebration featuring interpretations from the Anthology by some of Seattle’s finest musicians.
Featuring selections from all three volumes of The Anthology of American Folk Music by Zoe Muth, Pufferfish, Shenandoah Davis, Gravel Road, Levi Fuller, Cahalan Morrison & Eli West, Josh Rabie of Water Tower Bucket Boys and more.
Tate Modern, London, UK